Tuesday, 29 September 2009

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta is a dystopian film, set in near-future United Kingdom. It follows a young woman, named Evey who is rescued one night by the vigilante V, a masked, sword welding, smooth talking freedom fighter, who wants to save England from the fascist totalitarian government, who keep order by inducing a high state of fear amongst the population. From that night her life changes and she joins V in his fight to effect change and pursue his own personal vendetta. The story of Guy Fawkes and the bon-fire plot is a strong theme in the film and is used to great effect to create that unnerving this-could=happen feeling that is a integral to achieving a dystopian feel. Hugo Weaving plays the part of V and it is a testament to his acting abilities that he is able to achieve such nuance is his performance as he spends the entire film in a mask. The Guy Fawkes mask with its stretched grin would stifle lesser actors performances but Weaving is able to project his emotions past the masks expession, with his voice and his body language (also difficult as his is wearing a body-swamping cape). This is my faorite scene, the alliteration is very impressive and the delivery is faultless, and I have to admit to having needed a dictionary a few times.

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